About Me

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I am a Mom of two young lads, a fitness fanatic and wife to a die-hard Packers/Brewers fan. I worked in corporate america for 12 years. Now I am on a new adventure - raising my sons and working part-time in the fitness industry as a Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor. I hope you stop by and read my updates- family, fitness, or life related!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Another year gone by

 Cycle class showered me with surprises 
 Momma and little man
 Big boy B, wanting to wear swim goggles all day.
Blueberry Mojito at Shanghai Bistro- I highly recommend!

I am a very lucky lady. I turned another year older this Saturday and was blessed with so many fun surprises! On Friday, my cycle class surprised me with balloons, cake, a card, a sash, candy, a birthday  hat and a sweet toast at the end of class with sparkling juice. What a thoughtful and fun group I get to share my Fridays with. They sure know how to make an instructor feel loved and appreciated! I may have had some tears in my eyes during the toast!

On Saturday, my boys showered me with gifts when I woke up. Then I got to spend the early portion of the morning getting a haircut and coffee. My, how peaceful Grand Ave. is at 7:45 am. Then for lunch, our family of four had a picnic at the park. We ate, played, and ran around. (Well, less running and playing for Liam and I- he has to be confined at certain parks due to wood chip consuming.) Later that evening, I got to hit the town for a night out with my hubby. Thank you to my lovely sister for watching the boys and taking them back to our house and putting them to bed. I didn't have to worry one bit, and they had so much fun. It was a fantastic night- consisting of drinks on the patio, dinner with friends and strolling along the streets of Stillwater on a nice summer night. I couldn't have asked for a better day. Oh, and the swim goggles that Braden was obsessed with wearing around the house, magically appeared after losing them- so that was a bonus bday gift!

So, how old did I turn? Many of you may already know. Those of you that don't, I will make you guess. I made my Tabata and Cycle classes guess how old I was turning- they guessed 28 and 29. I will just leave it at those two guesses considering that is more how I feel, than my real age. Age is just a number. I work hard to stay "feeling" young. Hope it helps me in the long run. :) I am a lucky lady. I am blessed with good health and have a job that I love (two of them). I have two healthy and fun little boys in my life, a great hubby, and awesome family and friends.

July is outta here, now onto Joe's bday just a few days away.

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