About Me

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I am a Mom of two young lads, a fitness fanatic and wife to a die-hard Packers/Brewers fan. I worked in corporate america for 12 years. Now I am on a new adventure - raising my sons and working part-time in the fitness industry as a Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor. I hope you stop by and read my updates- family, fitness, or life related!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Braden John: 2 years + 4 months

 My yoga partner - doing Warrior 2
 Busted- holding hands
 Feeding little bro
Big brother on haircut day

The big brother of the house, Braden John, turned 2 years and 4 months on Sunday. Braden has really started to embrace his big brother role in the last month. He has helped feed Liam, he entertains him, he gets him to stop crying, and he fetches diapers and wipes. Sometimes when he doesn't think I'm watching, I catch him holding his brother's hand (like in the pic above). He is so patient when I have my hands tied up with Liam. He is an amazing big brother and Momma's helper. I don't know what I would do without him.

Braden is our little parrot. His vocabulary is still growing by the day. He picks up new words everywhere- from books, us, cartoons, going to ECFE class, and just from hearing strangers talking. He is also working on toilet training. His rewards are marshmallows. I am going to have to buy them in bulk because he is really willing to do anything for a marshmallow. His reward for getting entirely out of diapers is a trip to the Mall of America to go on the rides, so he talks about this a lot! We will see when that happens. We aren't pushing him too hard, but just talking about it alot and encouraging him. He seems interested about 50% of the time which is a great start.

What else is Braden up to? He is really into his matchbox cars and race tracks. He is our entertainer: he likes music- playing his guitar, dancing, singing and playing drums. He loves, loves, loves books. He also likes art projects- anything from painting and coloring to play dough. He loves being outside...and of course he loves to play any sport. He also likes trains, jumping and cartoons/movies. Braden is willing to try most anything. If I am trying out new workout moves for class, he wants to try them. The other day we did a 15 minute yoga class together. We went to the Zoo and he actually wanted to pet the snake that they passed around- me, not so much! Braden is a brave, adventurous, smart, fun, easy-going, lovable 2 year old. We are having so much fun with him and he constantly amazes us with what he can do and say at this age.

Liam Jude: 5 months

It's that time again- monthly recap for the boys! I am a couple of days late. I am staying busy!

Liam, the now five-month old, is growing by leaps and bounds. I had to pull the 6-9 month clothes out of storage. Our littlest lad is a GOOD eater. He has started eating some rice, oatmeal, fruits and veggies and seems to like it all. (Maybe not the green beans, he spits those out.) He is strong and solid. I can't believe five months has flown by. The time goes even faster when you have two. We had a rough December, sicknesses throughout the house. Liam's came on New Year's Day when I had to take him to the ER because they wanted to make sure he was not dehydrated. He had the nasty stomach flu that has been going around. Other than that, Liam has been a healthy boy. He is sleeping MUCH, MUCH better too. He wakes twice a night still- but compared to 10-15 times a night that it used to be, it is a blessing! I can now get 6-7 hours of interrupted sleep versus 3-4. I am feeling MUCH better. :) He also takes a morning and afternoon nap of 1.5-2 hours and a little catnap at the very end of the day. He has gotten into a really good routine, phew!

What is Liam up to at 5 months? He is still so smiley. He likes to use his voice by making loud sounds. He started fake coughing just to hear himself. He plays in the exersaucer. He loves to watch his big brother play and run around. He just started going into his Johnny Jump Up where he can bounce, jump and spin around. He is strong! He will grab the spoon when I try to feed him. He grabs your hand and you can't loosen his grip. He is ticklish, he kicks and flails in the bath, and he loves to look outside and take in the action. Last week we went to the MN Zoo and he loved watching all the animals.

We are so blessed to have Liam in our family. He is a happy, active, busy little boy who we can't wait to keep watch growing. I am a lucky, proud Momma!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

From Parks to Hibernation and Hot Cocoa

 Brothers hanging at the park
My smiley sliding guy

We have been busy with this crazy MN weather this week- 50 degrees and sunny in January, who knew? We hit probably four parks this week within a two day span. We got out for walks and jogs. Braden rode his tricycle and scooter. We threw the football around. Braden rolled around in the grass and brought his trucks outside in the backyard. Wham, then things drastically changed today and we are inside drinking hot cocoa, cleaning and finding indoor projects and activities to keep an active toddler busy. I am so glad I took advantage of the nice weather when it was here. I do not miss the snow and cold! The cold is here today and who knows when the snow will arrive...soon I am sure. All I know is that I didn't mind a brown Christmas, I love getting outside in January and winter can really stay like this each year for all I am concerned. I don't like hibernating but I sure like hot cocoa! Maybe we will be blessed with the winter of my dreams- just one month of snow and then spring can begin! We'll see. I am sure that is wishful thinking...but it sure has been nice and we have been taking FULL advantage of the gorgeous winter days.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year, New Me

A pic of my boys on my momma night away!

Happy New Year to all!
Our New Year's Eve was pretty low-key, friends came over for dinner. I didn't even stay up until midnight (yep, totally lame). But I did get to see some fireworks going off in the neighborhood when Liam woke me up at 12:15. Does that count as celebrating the New Year? Next year maybe I will stay up to watch the ball drop in Times Square. This year, I chose sleep.

New Year's Day was SUPPOSED to be chill, just me and the two boys since Joe headed out to Lambeau field at 5 a.m. with a buddy. Well, Liam was vomiting each time he drank a bottle, so I called the nurse- line at our clinic and they told me to bring him to the ER. What?! That is now how I planned to spend my New Year's Day. So off I went, dropping Braden off at my sister's house so he could play and not have to sit in a boring ER room all morning. Three hours later, we were out of there with a prescription for some anti-naseau pills and instructions that he was to drink Pedialyte only for 24 hours, and then slowly add back in formula. Thankfully he was not dehydrated, which was why we were send there in the first place. But what luck that he gets sick the one day the clinic is NOT open. Oh well, better safe than sorry. I didn't plan on starting the year off with that kind of excitement, but at least we got the bad out of the way and I officially called a "re-do" on my New Year's at 1pm that day.

In the New Year, I am hopeful for a new me. A new me has already started and it's only Jan. 5. Here are some of the highlights:

1. TEACHING. I am teaching five classes a week this year (and for 2 months it will be six classes). Yep, time to kick it up a notch. I was only teaching two before, with some subbing at times. I am excited to help motivate and coach people to a healthier and happier life in 2012. I have met some wonderful people in my classes. A new class I am teaching this year is Tabata which is high intensity interval training. It's a blast and kicks your butt! I have been doing it on my own at home and it has been helping me to lose the baby weight I have left.

2. SLEEP! I see sleep in my future this year. I am not sure what exactly happened but Liam is sleeping a ton better lately. I am not sure if it was any/all or none of the following: my 2 weeks of sleep training, the books I read, the fact that we were home for 10 straight days where he could nap in his crib, his new reflux medicine, his new swaddle, our longer bedtime routine, starting cereal, taking the paci away, or maybe when he hit 4 months something just clicked. Maybe it's a combo of everything, but my little guy only wakes 1 or 2 times a night and we both are happier and healthier. Phew! He also takes two TWO hour naps during the day. I have been trying to figure out a schedule for the past month or so and maybe little Liam just did not want one prior to 4 months. I was at my breaking point around the 4 month-mark and that is when things started to turn around. Funny how that happens. As you can see from the list above, I was determined to find a way to get us all sleeping more. Something clicked with Liam.  It's funny how each child is so different. Just because you have one, does not make you an expert. I am learning that each and every day.

3. ME TIME. What is "me time?" I have no idea. I haven't had much in over four months- ha! No, my sister and I just had an overnight away- shopping, happy hour, dinner, workout, sleep - ah, it was heaven! I realized that breaks here and there make me a better and recharged mother, wife, person. And of course yes, when I teach class it's essentially "me time" (sort of), but really that's one hour to myself a few times a week. It also entails me hauling the kids with most of the time which is no small feat - especially in the winter. So, I am going to try to carve out some time for myself in 2012. Not just for one hour to run to the store or the gym, but maybe a few hours to go visit friends or get in the car and go to one of my favorite places by where we used to live in Edina (I keep saying I will do this and I still haven't one year later). 

4. FAMILY TIME. I really look forward to creating fun memories with our boys this year. Once Liam gets a little older we will be able to enjoy more activities, especially outside this coming summer. I hope to spend special time with each boy separately too. I know how important it is to have one-on-one time with each parent. I would like Joe and I to have more date nights if we can be proactive and find a babysitter in advance. It was just starting to get really easy to get out more as Braden got older, and then we started over when we had Liam. It's just a bit harder to find a babysitter for both kids and it's overall harder to leave when they are real little and have so many needs. I feel like we are taking strides and that getting out will be easier (especially when the little guy is on a schedule now). It would be nice if we could have a date night at least once a month and maybe a trip in for our anniversary.

5. MONEY. 2011 was a year of spending for us- new house, new vehicle, hospital and medical bills, etc...so this year we need to find ways to save. I am not sure where to start first, but I am sure once we look at things we can come up with some ideas. I am not sure I am the coupon type of Mom (besides the ones I get at Target) but I do admire people that can save a lot of money on groceries. Who knows, maybe I will find a way to bring more money in this year (that would be nice)- we'll see what opportunities arise.

6. MEDITATION/STRETCHING. I used to practice yoga 1-2 times a week. I have not been able to fit it into my schedule for the past year. I know yoga makes me feel more centered, relaxed and helps to alleviate all of my tight muscles. Hopefully I can find time to do yoga once a week. It really helps.

7. PROJECTS. I did as many house projects as I could while pregnant, and now I just don't have time. We need to paint the entire downstairs and all the hallways upstairs. The spare bedroom and the boys' bathroom is on the list as well. I also would love some organization for our entry-way coming off the garage- storage lockers for coats, shoes, a bench, etc...so we'll see what we can get done in 2012.

Those are some of my goals in a nutshell. It's always good to pick things you know you can do or have already even started. I am looking forward to a great year ahead and one that is filled with family, good health, and happiness. I wish the same to all of you!