About Me

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I am a Mom of two young lads, a fitness fanatic and wife to a die-hard Packers/Brewers fan. I worked in corporate america for 12 years. Now I am on a new adventure - raising my sons and working part-time in the fitness industry as a Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor. I hope you stop by and read my updates- family, fitness, or life related!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Liam is TWO!

Our littlest dude turned the big TWO on August 22.  The day before, I took both boys to Como because Liam told me he wanted "rides and cake" for his birthday. We saw some animals first, and then we hit the rides. We had a great time, the highlight was me almost getting sick on the teacups and the boys laughing as we kept spinning around. :) They had a blast on the rides and were giddy and happy. I had a lot of moments where I sat back and watched them with a big smile on my face. It's amazing how fast they grow, and how fun they are in this stage.

On Liam's actual birthday, what a riot he was. He woke to a balloon drop in his crib and more balloons hanging all over the ceiling in the kitchen. If you know him well, you can imagine the expression on his face since balloons are one of his greatest passions in life. :) Hopefully I captured a few of his happy Birthday moments in the pictures above. The day was also filled with donuts, lunch outside, a puppy cake, pizza and presents when Dad got home from work. He coincidentally also got to see both Grandpa's on his birthday- what a treat!

As our littlest man turns two, a lot of things come to mind. First of all, it is crazy to see how fast he has grown. He speaks in full sentences now and is as independent as a two-year-old can be by always saying "I do it myself Mom" or "I got it." Liam brings a lot of joy to our family with his spunk and energy. He is a very sensitive little man and wears his emotions on his sleeves- whether happy, sad or mad. Liam is our blondie, he often gets called our little surfer dude with the two really blonde patches on each side of his head. He looks just like I did as a toddler- but of course he has the brown eyes like Joe. He is sporting quite the summer tan. He is really into imaginary play right now, I love listening to him play and zooming planes up and over his head saying "coming in for a landing." It's just too cute - I love this stage. Liam is a fun little guy to be around. He loves to dance, still loves puppies and balloons, he and his brother are starting to play more together which is nice (plenty of fighting of course), and he is my guy that could stay and do anything for a long time and gets mad when I pull him away. He plays on his own pretty well- zooming cars, trains or talking with little figures. He comes running to Mom when there are loud sounds (sensitive ears too), and I can hear him talking away in the morning before I go in and get him out of his crib. He often asks, "where did Braden go?" when he doesn't see his big brother in sight. He is constantly still doing and saying whatever big brother does. Liam Jude is a happy-go-lucky little guy who constantly keeps us on our toes and makes us smile and laugh. Happy Birthday little guy! We are so proud and amazed by you!

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