About Me

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I am a Mom of two young lads, a fitness fanatic and wife to a die-hard Packers/Brewers fan. I worked in corporate america for 12 years. Now I am on a new adventure - raising my sons and working part-time in the fitness industry as a Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor. I hope you stop by and read my updates- family, fitness, or life related!

Monday, June 27, 2011

June in A Nutshell

 Riding the Choo-Choo at Como Zoo.
 Checking out the animals at the zoo.
Twins game for Father's Day. Braden did a lot of clapping and eating of snacks!

Wow, June is wrapping up this week- where has the month gone? We have been staying busy and enjoying summer. On the weekends, we had a weekend in WI for Joe's cousin's graduation party. Joe coached a baseball tournament or two, I can't even remember how many. We celebrated Father's Day with a Twins game, BBQ and some pool time. Then, this past weekend we did some major car shopping (something bigger for when baby arrives) and we had a wedding of a good friend of mine. The only non-fun part of June was that Braden was pretty sick for a couple of days, but it was his first official sickness so we are pretty lucky! He went 21 months without a fever, so it was bound to happen sooner or later- it just happened to hit on the 102 degree day (same temp outside as his body temp.) It was a bit scary for me since I was home with him for the 3 days that he was sick, and then we traveled for the weekend, and then Joe was out of town- so after those two weeks I was one exhausted preggo mama!

During the week, Braden and I have been enjoying many summer activities. We have visited Como Zoo twice, went to Lake Elmo on the 103 degree day, hit the pool a few times, and of course visited many parks and played with neighbors outside. I also managed to paint Braden's bedroom and put up some sports decals - so his room is transitioning out of a baby room and into a toddler room slowly but surely.

July is approaching fast and today marks the two month milestone of my due date- we celebrated with a visit to the hospital that we will be going to this time around. It's close to home and very nice. My favorite is the complimentary massages and acupuncture! :) Although the dessert menu looked pretty nice, but you never know with hospital food!

I hope everyone is enjoying June...even if the weather hasn't been the best. July is quickly approaching and that means summer is going to go by faster than we know it! Enjoy.....

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