About Me

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I am a Mom of two young lads, a fitness fanatic and wife to a die-hard Packers/Brewers fan. I worked in corporate america for 12 years. Now I am on a new adventure - raising my sons and working part-time in the fitness industry as a Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor. I hope you stop by and read my updates- family, fitness, or life related!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Toddler Fun

First time with crayons
Yep, they went in the mouth of course! Note the blue on his chin.
More toddler fun, climbing in mom's shoe box.

I just realized that I am a Mom of a toddler. Holy cow, where has the time gone? Last winter I was walking around with a baby in a fuzzy snowsuit strapped into the baby Bjorn (which seems like yesterday I may add). Now this same baby (er, Toddler) is walking, saying a few words and even understands when I tell him to go get his Bobcat toy. Yikes. This growing up business must slow down. It's getting out of control!

I have been trying to think of new things to do with Braden, you know, with his newly found toddler skills. I have no idea what toddlers do besides push toys around, open cupboards and get into everything around the house. I did buy some crayons and coloring books for the first time. Thank goodness I bought the washable ones, they were all over his face. So, all of you experienced moms out there - any ideas of fun things for my little (almost 14 month)man to do? Something a little more creative or artsy than climbing in a shoe box. :) I haven't been brave enough to attempt finger painting yet but I'd love any suggestions especially now that winter is approaching and we will be stuck inside more. uggg! I need some creativity to keep him entertained and learning new things. I am trying to think of things for his Christmas list that would fit into this category too. The only thing I can think of is more toys for the bath and maybe the magnetic alphabet for the fridge but I need more activities for our days inside.

This picture below is Braden demonstrating his acting skills. I think this is borderline inappropriate as far as toddler toys go, but it's kinda funny. :)


Joe said...

These pics crack me up. I hadn't seen any of them (except the twisted Halloween pic of Braden with a knife). No wonder that kid wasn't feeling 100% this weekend, he had wax in his belly.

IrishMommy said...

Off with your head mommy! Has he been hanging around Levi too much? How about play-doh, puzzles, building blocks or perhaps it's time to take over Mitchell & Levi's little choo-choo train and tracks! They don't use it anymore.

Lori said...

The Leap Frog fridge toys are great. The ABC one and the farm are very entertaining! The Crayola Color Wonder markers/coloring books are good. Maybe he's too young--but not for long? But the markers ONLY work on the special coloring books that come with it--so it's mess free! Check out any Leap Frog brand stuff. They have been our favorite toys by far.