I swear, this walking business has made Braden an even happier little man - if you can imagine that. He walks all over the house with a big grin holding different items, grabbing new toys and comes to check in on me if I am in the kitchen or another room. It is so flippin' cute. He has mastered the walk in only one week. He can even walk and drink now. I knew he was waiting to do it until he could give it his all, 100 percent...weird, his Dad is the exact same way. I am in trouble, two perfectionists in the house might drive me mad down the road. :)
Everyone keeps saying that the age from 12-18 months is their favorite. I can see why. Braden is loads of fun. We spend most of our days giggling, smiling and playing now. If you tell him to go get the "Packer football" he will go pick up the right ball. I swear it's true, our kid is wicked smart already! (disclaimer- yes, I said "Packer football." To all you MN people: I cannot win this one, our house is filled w/ WI sports memorabilia and consequently Braden will be forced upon much green and yellow until he has the right to choose his own teams.)
So, the point of my blog entry today is the little almost 14 month old man that we are honored to call our own, melts my heart on a daily basis. He has such a sunny disposition. He belly laughs, he dances, he claps, he does the downward dog, he throws the ball and pushes cars around the house. He says "wow" to the first snowfall. He loves big trucks, bobcats and buses driving by. He is so lovable and gives hugs and what we call "smooches". My heart overfloweth!
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