It was two weeks ago when I posted the last video of Braden's walking where he was camera shy. Now, two weeks later, and at 14 months old, he is perfecting his walking skills and isn't as camera shy. Sure there are some falls here and there and his steps are still small, but he definitely can go a long ways walking now and is loving his new view of the world (as you can tell by the video above.) He could stay outside all day, except for the fact that he hates mittens and shakes them off and then starts screaming because his hands are frozen. Wish me luck on the mitten thing, but needless to say, if I let him roam outside all day he would!
What else is Mister Braden up to at 14 months? He can say: ma, da da, ball, hi, bye. He makes animal sounds- mostly "woo woo" for dogs, and then he has pig, cow and monkey sounds too. He loves reading books - he turns the pages and points at all the pictures. He is a typical boy- loves cars, trucks, anything that makes noise (like seeing an ambulance or bobcat), and he fetches and throws balls. We also have a lot of giggle fests- he loves being chased around the house, playing hide and seek, being tickled and jumping into pillows. This past week we went to an indoor park in Edina. I took him into the jump house and he hysterically laughed as the big kids would bounce him around with their jumping and he would fall over. So, we are fully enjoying this age (and before the terrible two's hit!) Playing and keeping up with a 14 month old sure helps us feel young again, or rather helps us stay young (I hope anyway)?!?!
Here are a couple more 14 month pics:

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