Since we rotate holidays, this was a Sullivan Thanksgiving. We headed up to my brother's cabin just outside the wonderful Balsam Lake/Amery/Turtle Lake, WI area (about an hour and a half drive for us). Braden took a short snooze on the way up there which turned out nice because we were set to eat at his normal naptime and I figured it would be interesting to see him without any nap for the day! We arrived around 12:30 and let him catch a few more zzzs and at 1:00 we woke him up for the festivities. We sat down for dinner once Braden was up and running, but he did not. He wanted to explore the cabin while we all ate. I didn't bring his highchair so we couldn't confine him and off he went! He did manage to taste a little turkey, mashed potatoes, bread and corn when I could catch him. It was a great holiday with all of the Sullivans present. All nine cousins got to play together, the meal was wonderful and it was nice to catch up with the adults. Even though we all live in the Eastern MN/Western WI area, we still don't all get together very often. So, I was thankful for all the Sullivans being together - sharing a wonderful meal, laughing, watching the kids play and just hanging out. We will be with Joe's side of the family for Christmas, so knowing that I wouldn't be with mine made me appreciate the holiday even more!
The morning of Thanksgiving I snuck away while Joe and Braden got ready for the day. I took a little jog around the desolate streets of Edina at a mere five degrees above zero. It was my time to reflect and start the day. I thought about how thankful I am for my wonderful husband, my happy and good-natured son, our health, the roof over our head, the meals that we can eat, all of our wonderful family and friends, and how we are able to have me stay home right now and raise Braden. In the past year, I have learned so many valuable life lessons. I am thankful for the opportunity to have learned more about parenthood, children, marriage, myself and what is most important to our family. (I will probably turn this into a future blog entry.)
What are you most thankful for this year? Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and/or friends!