This weekend Braden had stroller graduation- he is strictly a straight up stroller guy now (no car seat) and faces outward like the big kids. Some people might ask, "How did you know he was ready sit in the stroller without the carseat (so, laying down versus sitting up)?" Well, not only is he sitting up now independently when he's on the floor but this whole week whenever I put him in the stroller he would use his stomach muscles to get to a sitting position so he could see everything. I think he started to get frustrated and bored at staring at the sky and my face for six months. :) I even brought a blanket a few times to prop him up high so his ab muscles wouldn't get too tired, so needless to say, it was time for the big move!
He has been for a couple of walks and one jog so far facing outward and LOVES it. I don't hear a peep from him as he takes in the cars, birds, people, buildings, planes, trees, etc... I love it too because it's much lighter to push when I jog. In the close up picture above, you can see behind the paci that he has a smirk on his face like, "yep, I'm a big boy now!" He is so proud, and I can't believe he is getting this big (although he looks so little in that far away pic)!! We are so proud too! There are so many milestones at this age, it is so much fun!
1 comment:
He is such a funny man. He sure loves his "new" stroller! Thanks for taking such great care of him every single day. You're the #1 Mom!
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