Braden had his sixth month check-up yesterday (well, technically he is 6 3/4 months old- but that's the first appt. we could make with the doctor). We were a little surprised at his weight and height. We had no idea our little guy was a little on the small size! The doc even called him petite. Who would have guessed with these chunky thighs??
He is weighing in at 16.9 lbs (21% tile) and is 26.3" tall (30 %tile). So now I understand why the 6 month clothes are still a bit big- especially the pants! I am sure he will catch up at some point, we aren't worried and neither is the doctor. He is still eating like a champ. I am sure the fact that he hasn't been eating during the nights now for a couple of months and the fact that he has an active lifestyle at such a young age (well, he and mom are busy all week being active) both contribute to his "petiteness." just kidding- I have no idea why (except for the fact that neither of us are huge people- duh!) but I do know that if he is going to take after Dad and become a quarterback and a second baseman, he can't stay petite for long!
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