With the excitement of the Twins game last week on Braden's seven month birthday- I neglected to make an official seven month post! We can't believe that it has been seven months since Braden joined our family. Here are some updates on our big boy!
Braden's personality is really starting to shine. He is a happy, silly and smiley boy who loves to play games like peek-a-boo and play independently with his rings and blocks. He also loves the exersaucer where he can stand up like a big boy and spin around and play with all the fun gadgets.
He also flips onto his belly and tries to crawl. It looks more like swimming but in the past couple of days he has learned to push backwards a little. He gets frustrated easily that he can't crawl so he will start to cry but he is really trying. His favorite position is standing- he smiles immediately if you take his hands and stand him up. He will take steps forward.
He is saying "ba ba" and "ma ma". He is pretty vocal! He is rolling his tongue which is hysterical (neither one of us has a Spanish accent- ha). He loves the park- checking out the other kids, swinging and riding the little motorcycle. He drinks four bottles a day and eats two foods- a fruit in the morning and a veggie with dinner (babyfood obviously.) He still takes three naps- a morning nap, an afternoon nap and one little catnap at about 5:30 or so but we are trying to phase that one out soon..probably when we get home from vacation. He sleeps 11 straight hours at night- wonderful! Once in a while we will have to go in and flip him back over (he will have gone to his stomach and woke up scared) and give him his paci and he goes back to bed. We are so lucky to have such a great baby! He is so much fun and we love watching him grow, change and become a person with a personality.
His aunt Jess came over this weekend and babysat so we could go out to dinner- the first person to put him to bed at night other than us. He did great and we are trying to get him more used to having others take care of him in preperation for our five day trip in a couple of weeks!
I am sure soon enough I will be writing a post saying that he crawled! He is very motivated and very strong. He loves going new places and checking out all the people! Right now he loves dogs- he stares and smiles at them. He likes walks in the stroller (but after about 45 mins he likes to be held or to come out of the stroller.) He loves touching everything, holding things and putting them in his mouth. He is an inquisitive little boy who loves learning! Happy seven months Braden, how did we get so lucky!??!?! You are so much fun and motherhood is more than I ever had imagined!
We look forward to this summer and all the fun that it will bring.
Thanks so much to my little sis Jess for her excellent babysitting skills. We know that you were a big part of why he was so good on Saturday night while we were out. It was so nice to have a date night with Bridget and not have to worry about the little guy. We owe you big time!
One Wednesday off and missing that little guy already! Wish you guys were coming down this weekend. See you next week perhaps :)
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