Today Braden is officially three months old. He is no longer a newborn. He is now an infant. :) We have packed up the newborn clothes and he is starting to wear the 3-6m clothes now. I can't believe how fast it's going (just like everyone says) and how he seems to change more and more every week.
What is Braden up to lately? He is into more of a routine now - morning nap (9 or 9:30), afternoon nap (12:30 or 1ish), mini late afternoon nap (5ish), bedtime around 7:30 or so, sleeps until 4am - gets up to eat, and goes back to sleep until about 8am. He also is sleeping without being swaddled. He was getting too big for the miracle blanket and was starting to wiggle out of it multiple times a night. I had to attach a picture of him sprawling out in his crib. It must feel good! He also is smiling a ton, laughing, and talking up a storm. It's fun to see him play more too - holding his toys and moving them around (like up to his mouth).
We also have been busy doing our Christmas shopping, baking cookies, and wrapping the presents. We are all set for the holidays. This year is a Sullivan Christmas (we trade off years) so we will be here in MN- Stillwater and Woodbury. We saw Joe's parents last week, they gave us the rocking chair that Braden is sitting on in his three month pic above. It's so nice to rock Braden to sleep in it - he loves it.
We also spent this past Sunday with Joe's sisters and Todd so that was nice too. Today we went downtown to visit some Target friends and old co-workers. Braden was in awe of all the people and the lights. We stopped by to visit Dad too which was fun!
MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone, be safe and enjoy this special time with family!
1 comment:
Hi there, handsome! I'm so happy you came to see us at Target. You really brightened up our halls with your beautiful smile! Merry Christmas to you and your mamma and dad :)
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