Well Mister Braden is twelve weeks old today- my how time flies. It's crazy to think that today I would have started back at work also. I know tons of people do it and babies are totally fine, but we are very happy that we made the decision to have me stay at home while Braden is so young. It would be really hard on our family to have him in daycare with both of us in the corporate world with not much flexibility. I am adjusting to my new lifestyle- trying to get Braden to take his naps, playing with Braden, getting out and having some plans with friends, hitting the YMCA for workouts some mornings (so Mom can stay healthy) and being able to run errands and get all of our Christmas things done early this year. :) It is not so bad!! I am sure the winter will be really long, but we will try not to stay cooped up. We are taking a "Baby and Me" class that starts the end of Jan. too so that will be nice!
We have a couple of friends that are due within the next couple of weeks to have a baby - so we are excited to find out the exciting news when it happens. Braden looks forward to having his same-age friends!
It was minus 15 or so today with the windchill so I hope all you Minnesotans are staying warm!!
we miss you at work, but i'm so glad you get to stay home with braden! i'll miss you at the Y too, but maybe i'll sneak over to your Y sometimes :) Neil and I took BodyPump up at the Emma B YMCA and the teacher was so annoying that Neil got angry. Neil NEVER gets angry :) so, we'll be avoiding that class and wishing you taught up there instead!
miss you girl! --Adrienne
Yes, we will definitely miss you! I moved rows today, so I wouldn't get to see you as much anyway. That's the only thing that gets me through :)
Just kidding, I'm happy that Braden gets to see you more than I do. Hugs to you guys! Hope to see you soon!
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