Nope...it's not my two front teeth! But these pictures tell the story of "what I want for Christmas, I already have!" It's even wrapped in a bow! :) (ok, if I could get anything I wanted for Christmas I might ask for new house- but I know that is not possible for quite a while so I'll put that on the list for next year and if not, then the next year after that- he he.) But, seriously, I feel very blessed this holiday season- we have a three month old son who brings so much joy to our family. We are healthy and happy. We have food on the table and a roof over our head. We have awesome family members and friends. Life is good! I pray for those who are going through tough times this holiday season- the ill or people who have lost someone close to them, those who are less fortunate, etc.... I know that for some people Christmas time is tough, I have experienced tough times as well and even though I miss my Mom dearly each year, I try to focus on all of the blessings that surround me each and every day!
I hope this holiday season finds you all thinking about the things you are thankful for and sending prayers to those who need it this season! Christmas is all about spending time with family. The Hammond household is so thankful and blessed that we have a family of three this year - that is all we want for Christmas and we got it early! We must have been nice this year for Santa to bring us Braden! :)
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