Braden is growing up WAY too fast. I literally cannot keep up. He went from crawling , to standing (when holding on to furniture), and now he is climbing stairs and drinking Miller Chill. Yikes, what I am going to do! Ok, the climbing stairs part is true so we had to run out and get a gate lastnight that has to be installed ASAP! Slow down Braden, I am hoping that Dad wants to try to sell this townhouse sooner than later so you can have carpeted stairs to fall on and carpeted rooms to crawl on. Everyone that thinks Braden needs a bigger house please comment below. I know Mom really wants a new house, but really it's all about Braden here. :)
Awesome pics. And please don't judge this boys parents just because they drink Miller Chill. I would blame it on Bridget, but sadly it was me who found a great deal and decided to buy it. Even more sadly I ended up really liking it and Matt and I housed it all on Saturday night:)
Bigger house! Where else will Braden have all his friends for a Miller Chill kegger? ;)
Miller Chill = embarrassing
You should join the Jaguar dynasty in Bloomington. There is too much crime in Stillwater!
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