Yesterday Braden turned 9 months old! It is getting harder and harder to take his monthly picture now- he eats and tares up the little paper so I am getting very creative in my camera-work (hence the first shot).
We also had his 9 month appointment this week. He is still a little guy- despite the squishy thighs. :) Braden is just under the 20th percentile for both height (27.3") and weight (18.8 lbs). But he is a good eater, so hopefully he will catch up eventually and is just a late bloomer.
We can't believe these 9 months have gone so fast! The next milestone is 1 year!! What is Braden up to at 9 months? He is a really funny little guy- he makes squealing noises while playing or crawling around the house, or he gets this deep voice that almost sounds like he is trying to be a scary monster. He is doing a ton of baby babble talk (so he's a vocal little guy)- but no new words besides Mom and da-da.
He is eating three meals a day of regular foods (broken up into tiny peices)- his favorites are avocado, banana, applesauce, string cheese, yogurt. He drinks 3 bottles of milk - but doesn't finish most of them right now, so we have to work on that so he is getting all of his nutrients and calories. He takes a late morning nap and a late afternoon nap and goes to bed around 8-8:30 and sleeps until about 6:45-7. He has one tooth- it's just peeking through right now so we have been dealing with some teething woes (not bad though). He is getting a little bit of dark hair in. Braden loves the swimming pool. He can climb stairs. He has no fear- he could leap off the bed or go head first down a slide if you let him! Yikes. He is going through a bit of stranger anxiety right now which the doctor says is normal/typical at 9 months of age. I hope it doesn't last long because I want him to be social and like to be around new people. :) Everyone that meets him says what a happy baby he is! He is always smiling and doing baby talk. He also is furniture cruising right now- walks around holding onto furniture. He prefers standing over crawling. He loves dogs and being anywhere outside where he can take in the sights and look at people. He is a busy, active, smiley, funny and fun little boy!
He is tons of fun right now and I can't believe that he is just as old as he was in my stomach! We look forward to watching all of the new things that Braden will do and we are appreciating the stage he is at right now! We are blessed!
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