Braden has been happy as a clam this week as you can see by this picture. Auntie Shawn gave us their old exersaucer and he loves it! We also have been able to do more fun things now that he is getting a bit bigger. I took him out for a nice walk this week in the Bjorn so he could face outward. It was so nice out! We stopped at a pond with ducks (which he loved), then we saw a construction site and I even took him in the skyway at Fairview Southdale hospital so he could watch the cars fly by underneath. It's fun to explain new things to him, it also makes me appreciate the small things. He loves exploring the world and I can't wait for spring/summer so we can continue to go on our adventures together!!
I also think that his sleeping and eating regimine has contributed to his extra sunny disposition this week! We had some rough past weeks of night sleep, but this past week he has slept 12 straight hours!! His naps have been awesome too - two hours for the morning and afternoon nap. I think it helps that I have committed to making sure I am home for his naps and not out/about most days! He also has been eating 7-8 ounces in bottle (4x/day) so we know his belly gets nice and full, on top of eating a little rice cereal in the morning.
Our little guy is growing up! I can see why people say "this is my favorite stage" because every month as they get more and more fun and are able to do more things! So, far- this is my favorite stage! :)
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