About Me

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I am a Mom of two young lads, a fitness fanatic and wife to a die-hard Packers/Brewers fan. I worked in corporate america for 12 years. Now I am on a new adventure - raising my sons and working part-time in the fitness industry as a Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor. I hope you stop by and read my updates- family, fitness, or life related!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Five Months Old!

On Tuesday, Braden turned five months old. It is going pretty fast and it's amazing to see how much he is growing and changing each and every week now! He definitely is showing his personality- he is already a funny and silly guy. He also is very active, no surprise there! He flips over onto his tummy and is trying to crawl, but he can't get up on his knees yet so it looks like a fish out of water as he tries to move forward on his tummy. We better start baby proofing this house immediately because in no time he will be taking off on those knees! We love you Braden and are so proud of all that you are and do, we are so happy to have you as our own. You bring sunshine and smiles to our daily lives!

1 comment:

Dad said...

The shirt you put him in for that 5 month old shot is perfect. That is exactly what he looks like when he flips over and gets his arms caught under him. Watching him try to crawl is the funniest thing ever:)