Braden is four months today. It took me like a half hour to get one decent pic- the little guy would not cooperate. If I can get a better picture I will re-post. I can't believe how fast time is flying. Our little blessing is four months old! We are so proud of him and he brings us so much joy.
Happy 4 month birthday little man!
I feel the need to post for two reasons:
1) So my wife knows I look at her blog every day and
2) To let everyone know how blessed I feel (and to communicate with my Mom, assuming she knows how to look at the comments section of the blog which might be too complicated for her -- Mom, if you're reading this leave your own commment so I know you figured it out)
So here goes my comment:
It's hard to believe that four months and one day ago we didn't know whether we were having a son or a daughter and now we're proud parents. I can't begin to explain how great being a Dad is. To see every tiny little milestone that your child reaches (things as simple as smiling or learning how to hold things or laughing while you make faces at him) is the most awesome thing I have ever experienced. It really makes me appreciate my Mom and Dad and all those great parents out there. It also helps me realize how much love really goes into raising a child. I feel so fortunate to have parents who were great role models for me and I feel even more fortunate that I found a wife who fills the role of mother so perfectly. Now let's just hope that we can keep Braden on the right path so he turns out to be a good kid:)
Happy 4 months little buddy. Your cousins love reading all about your milestones and look forward to many years of cousin fun! We love you so much and are proud of how much you are growing. You are so blessed to have the BESTEST parents in the world.
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