2010 is off to a good start! The past two nights Braden has slept 11-12 hours straight!! Of course, Mom did not! :) You think the first time in almost four months that I could get a full night's rest (well actually more than that given the middle of the night trips to the bathroom while pregnant) that I would be out like a light. Nope, I got up like four times to make sure he was breathing! :) Typical new mom reaction that's for sure! I can't even sleep a full night anymore when given the chance! Darnit!
Braden is growing like a weed and getting more fun each day. His gigantic smiles melt my heart. When he wakes up in the morning I go running into his room with excitement to start the day! He and I have so much fun playing (I wish Dad could enjoy the daily playtime with us and not just on the weekends). He is still cooing a lot, he is rolling over from belly to back, he is holding his toys, pulling his paci in/out and he has this strong desire to sit and stand up. He will use his stomach and neck muscles to try to sit up and when we help him he loves it. He also loves when we hold him in a standing position. His legs are getting very strong.
We are excited to watch Braden grow and change each day in 2010! There will be a ton of milestones this year for him - first words, first crawl, first foods, first steps. I think he is looking forward to them all, I know we are!
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