About Me

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I am a Mom of two young lads, a fitness fanatic and wife to a die-hard Packers/Brewers fan. I worked in corporate america for 12 years. Now I am on a new adventure - raising my sons and working part-time in the fitness industry as a Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor. I hope you stop by and read my updates- family, fitness, or life related!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween 2013

Our little guys had quite the Halloween this year filled with candy, costumes, running from house to house, and playing with neighbors. We had a Batman and a Puppy. Liam was supposed to be Spiderman, but he fell in love with this Puppy costume he found at my sister's over a week ago. He has barely taken the thing off. Here it is two days post-Halloween and he is still wearing it. I managed to sneak in a wash, but the thing comes to bed with him so he can hug it. Man, he loves his puppies. I hope you all had a happy and safe Halloween. For us, it gets a little more fun each year. Braden did pretty well and Liam got a little chilly and only wanted to go to a dozen houses or so which was perfect for him. We didn't manage to capture a family photo, but the little ones are the only ones anyone wants to see anyway!

Braden also had a preschool program that day, so we got to go see him and his classmates sing in their costumes. Boy are they cute!

Also, earlier in the week Bapa Sullivan had a pumpkin carving  and spaghetti party. All 10 cousins were there for the fun. It's always awesome to see them together as they range from 20 to 2. We had a super fun Halloween week. I also dressed up about four times at the Y for our big Jillian Michael's BodySHRED launch and I always like to dress up the week of Halloween to make class festive along with Halloween songs. I think we will all sleep good this weekend now that the festivities have calmed down. On to November now- can't believe Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away. This year is flying by!

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