About Me

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I am a Mom of two young lads, a fitness fanatic and wife to a die-hard Packers/Brewers fan. I worked in corporate america for 12 years. Now I am on a new adventure - raising my sons and working part-time in the fitness industry as a Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor. I hope you stop by and read my updates- family, fitness, or life related!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Braden: 3 years + 6 months

 Happy haircut boy.
 Sporty guy!
My movie date.

Well I can officially say Braden is three-and-a-half. With that milestone, comes a lot of new found independence, energy and abilities. Where do I start? He sometimes has opinions about what he wants to wear for the day. He likes to pick out his own hat, shoes and jacket too. Today he had on rubber rain shoes, a swimsuit and a winter coat as we headed to swim lessons. I had to tell him to put pants on over the suit (a little too chilly yet!) He also is shining in his big brother skills. He asks Liam, "Do you want me to help you with that?" in this cute high pitch voice that he uses only when asking Liam if he wants help. The other week I brought the boys to an indoor play place and he insisted on holding Liam's hand down the slide. It was way too cute. Now, there are plenty of tears and fighting over "Liam took ____ of mine", but mostly he is a good helper to Liam and is excited when he sees Liam do new things.

Braden is at an all-time peak of sportiness right now. He wants to play baseball, basketball, he wants to run, jump and hit golf balls (the list goes on). I consider myself a very active person, but he has me running all over the place - especially when I'm trying to chase a fleeing 19-month-old at the same time. The best part is he is constantly saying "watch this Mom" or he wants me to join him in every activity. Again, I wish I could be two places in once with these boys so I am going to have to put on my running shoes all summer long!

I love Braden's excitement for the little things in life. Easter morning he was so excited to look for eggs, he loved coloring the eggs, he says "YESSSS" when I suggest going somewhere fun (like the fist pumping type of yes). If I say he can do something special like go see a movie he screeches and jumps up and down. He is at a great age right now. He can articulate everything on his mind (sometimes a little too much - ha). He challenges me in ways I am not used to being challenged. He is so eager, curious and determined to learn, see and do everything. I am incredibly blessed and proud to be Braden's Mom, and so looking forward to see what more he can surprise us with! In his 3.5 years he has surprised me more than anything else ever has.

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