My tractor riding guy!
Do you think he likes Cherry Berry (More than Mom and Braden I think)?
Belly laughing boy!
Liam's vocabulary is multiplying each month. He can now say short sentences like "bye-bye Daddy/Mommy or Love you Mommy/Daddy", "Help me", "All Clean", "More please" or "Thank you Braden." He also likes to repeat all words you say, so he really can say a ton more words now, even two syllable words- like bedroom or garbage. But the phrase he uses the most, which happens to be my least favorite, is "Stop it." I think that phrase is totally my fault. I probably have been saying that for the first year of his life, ha! Karma! He says a ton of people's names now which is fun and recognizes them when he sees them. He can point to all the basic body parts if you ask him to show you them- nose, ear, eyes, hair, teeth, mouth, tongue, toes, etc...
Liam is a playful and spunky little boy. He knows what he wants and doesn't want. He now steals things from his big brother and runs as fast as he can, which usually ends up in tears from big brother and laughter from little bro. So, watch out- little brother is fast and mischievous! Liam also has that great belly laugh that everyone cpmpliments. He still is obsessed with balls, dogs, birds, balloons and now we can add trains (choo-choos as he calls them) and planes. At night, we sit on his rocking chair and pull back the shade and wait for any blinking lights for him to yell "plane". If we hit it right, at about 8:00ish we see two or three, but this weekend we have been going to bed later and miss out on the bedtime planes. He also points out and names the moon and stars. Liam is all about his surroundings right now and soaking in nature. When we go for walks he is pointing constantly and running into things because his eyes are up towards the sky and nowhere close to the path in front of him. He will stop in his tracks if he sees a dog or bird.
Liam wants to do all the things that his big brother does, including zooming trains around the track, running and dancing. The two boys are very entertaining together. Liam is very opinionated, telling you yes or no if he wants something or does not. I am trying to teach him not to get so frustrated when things don't go his way- there are a lot of tears, screaming, kicking and hitting when he gets mad- but hopefully that will get better in time. Hopefully is the key word. I don't know how many times I was kicked or hit today when I had to pull him away from something, yikes.
I really look forward to summer, seeing what Liam does. He jumps on the tricycle and is very close to pedalling but his little legs need to grow a tad more. He can swing a baseball bat, not always with the correct form but he tries. He can throw the ball pretty good. He runs like the wind. He is full of life, laughter and spunk. His giggles and smile are what I look forward to seeing each morning! I have my work cut out for me this summer- this guy running in one direction and then other going in another! Wish me luck.