About Me

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I am a Mom of two young lads, a fitness fanatic and wife to a die-hard Packers/Brewers fan. I worked in corporate america for 12 years. Now I am on a new adventure - raising my sons and working part-time in the fitness industry as a Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor. I hope you stop by and read my updates- family, fitness, or life related!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Vacation 2013

Charron Vineyard- Vail, Arizona
 Big Nose Kate's Saloon- Tombstone, AZ
 The real cowboys
 Rainbow over Tombstone
 Hanging in Tubac, AZ at Cowboy Jack's
 The view from our hike- Madera Canyon
 Mexican dinner close to the Mexican border
 Pecan trees
 Our last night happy hour at El Charro's
Hops and Vines Vineyard- Sonoita, Arizona

Joe and I were lucky enough to be able to sneak away for a few days by ourselves last weekend. We headed down to Arizona for a long weekend to visit my Dad who is there for two months. Although the weather turned chillier than typical March in Arizona for the weekend, we still had an unbelievable time. For me, not having to make 3 meals a day, clean up all day long, dress other people and get in/out of the car a billion times a day was sooooo nice! I only had myself to worry about- no schedules, no routines, no responsibilities. Freedom is what it felt like for those of you with little kids- ha!

Anyway, we kept really busy. The cooler weather really got us out to do more sight seeing. The highlights included: a Brewers game, lunch in Old Town Scottsdale with delicious guacamole and a cactus margarita (my first one), a trip to Tombstone and getting dressed up as a cowboy/cowgirl, a beautiful rainbow as the storm broke, visiting two wineries, a beautiful hike up a mountain in Madera Canyon, some runs in the morning facing the mountains, visiting Tubac for shopping and an authentic Mexican meal that night. Also on my highlights list was: full nights of good sleep, great food and some fun drinks. Oh, and on the rainy day I snuck in a massage which felt like heaven. The last day warmed up considerably and we were able to lay at the pool for 3 hours before taking off for the airport. So, I came home with a little burn and we did not need to wear winter coats or boots the entire trip so that felt great. (Although I wore my jean jacket 3 days in a row and Joe the same one sweatshirt he brought that you notice in the pics- ha). It was nice to get out of our routine and know that the boys were in great hands with Grandpa and Grandma Hammond- thank you so much for taking good care of our boys for the extended time! I know my Dad appreciated the visitors and fun down in Arizona too.

Needless to say, we kept very busy but came home refreshed! Here are some pics to enjoy! We were sad to leave, especially since it heated up to 80 and 85 right after we left...but it was nice to return to big hugs and big smiles from two little boys who we missed and who missed us!

Vacations are awesome! :) Now back to cold, snow & reality!

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