About Me

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I am a Mom of two young lads, a fitness fanatic and wife to a die-hard Packers/Brewers fan. I worked in corporate america for 12 years. Now I am on a new adventure - raising my sons and working part-time in the fitness industry as a Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor. I hope you stop by and read my updates- family, fitness, or life related!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Liam: 16 months

Our littlest dude turned 16 months at the end of December (yes, I'm still behind in blogging). Liam is not only a toddler, but a toddler on wheels! He is fast. If you open a door for one second he is outside before you can even catch him. Not only is Liam fast, but he is one funny little guy.

What is Liam up to at 16 months (besides running in the opposite direction)? He is catching up to big brother more and more each day. He wants to play and do everything that Braden does whether it's racing cars, chasing each other around the house or playing trains. Liam is talking more too. His latest words are up, down, off, on, Braden (this one sometimes sounds like Bray-en), ouch, hot, water, teddy. He can say Grandpa and Bapa too. He signs "more" during meal times. He understands everything you say by shaking his head yes or no, or saying yes or no out loud. He came down with pink eye this week so when I say it's time for eye drops, he will point to his eyes and come lay down on my lap. It's so fun to see how he develops more and more each day and understands so many things. His latest obsession is toothbrushes and sitting on chairs. The past two weeks we've had a lot of fun- Children's Museum, swimming lessons and jumping at SkyZone. Liam is able to do so much right now, so I am really enjoying taking both guys out to fun places and watching them explore, learn and have fun.

Liam is full of life and energy. He loves to run in circles until he gets dizzy and then fall and laugh. He doesn't sit still for a minute. He loves to be silly by taking his socks off constantly, kicking his pants off when you are trying to put them off and running the opposite direction when you are trying to leave or get him to come to you. Liam loves to dance and he absolutely loves dogs. He is getting a little more independent, playing on his own before he goes searching for me yelling "Mommy" throughout the house. He and Braden play pretty good, but of course will fight over toys as all siblings do. Liam is a joy to be around and when he is mad he will let you know. You will never have to guess what Liam is feeling, he will let you know. Liam's smile and laugh bring us so much joy. He is our precious little baby, although he no longer seems like a baby as I packed up all his baby clothes!

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