About Me

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I am a Mom of two young lads, a fitness fanatic and wife to a die-hard Packers/Brewers fan. I worked in corporate america for 12 years. Now I am on a new adventure - raising my sons and working part-time in the fitness industry as a Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor. I hope you stop by and read my updates- family, fitness, or life related!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

When Mom Is Not Looking!

This is what happens when someone thinks Mom is not watching. :)

Lately, the boys are becoming more and more active. I don't know how I am going to keep up. It seems it will just get crazier and crazier from here on out. Braden is gaining lots of independence (i.e sleeping in a big boy bed), and he has a new found energy as you can see in the video above. He always wants me to pitch baseballs to him or we spend lots of time coming up with games that include running and jumping. Liam is full of spunk and gets into everything, especially putting foreign objects in his mouth when I'm not looking. On these hot summer days, we are trading off between swimming and staying inside the a/c playing (now that it's working again, thankfully). With both of them at very different stages, it makes outings on my own a bit difficult. Liam wants to get down and crawl/explore (no more sitting), while Braden wants to be as active as an almost-three-year-old can be.  At our neighborhood pool, Braden wants to swim in the big pool (versus playing in the toddler pool). This is a challenge on weekdays when I am there with them by myself. I have to hold Liam in one hand while he is splashing madly and trying to swim away and then tend to Braden swimming with his life jacket on or jumping in the pool from the side. It brings multi-tasking to another level! I spend a half hour getting ready to go to the pool and then we only make it for an hour or 90 minutes. I sometimes wonder why I go to all the trouble, but seeing the huge smiles on both of their faces as soon as we hit that water reminds me why. They LOVE the water. Here's to some naps for Momma this summer when the boys are napping, as they are keeping me BUSY. I should get a Do Not Disturb sign for the front door from 2-4 each day.

PS- It may be a while until I can post pictures. Our camera is broken and my phone camera won't let me send pics to Facebook for some reason (and I could save them and post them on my blog.) So, hopefully it won't be too long without pics.....sorry!

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