About Me

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I am a Mom of two young lads, a fitness fanatic and wife to a die-hard Packers/Brewers fan. I worked in corporate america for 12 years. Now I am on a new adventure - raising my sons and working part-time in the fitness industry as a Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor. I hope you stop by and read my updates- family, fitness, or life related!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Braden: 2 years + 9 months

My oldest son is 2.75 years old as I like to say. The terrible three's are approaching (well, they say that the terrible two's have now change to three's), so I am bracing myself as I see more meltdowns creeping in and more "no mama's". Oh well. If the worst is upon us now, I am a-ok as he's a pretty darn good kid.

What is Braden doing at 2.75? Well he's smacking the ball like shown above in the video. No need for a tee anymore. I play catch with him and he wails the ball at me. He swims with a life jacket on. He rides his tricycle on his own down the sidewalks in front of our house and on the side. I no longer worry about him running into the street, phew. Braden is always a bundle of fun and up for anything. He enjoys parks, swimming, anything sports related (baseball, soccer, golf, football, running, etc..) He loves his construction trucks, cars and trains. He loves reading. He can sing the ABCs and knows how to count up to 10, maybe more. He puts on his own shoes (sometimes on wrong feet). He is extremely social and loves being around other kids/people.

My oldest son is growing into a little man. Last night he watched a cartoon in the basement while I watched a show in the living room. Ah, some independence. :) He looks out for his little brother and tells me if he is doing anything dangerous. Braden went to his first Twins/Brewers game and loved it. He has gone fishing twice this summer and loves that too. He got to go on rides at Como Zoo all by himself for the first time. The smile on his face was precious. He is really proud when he can do things on his own. I don't think there's much that he doesn't like to do, except maybe eat vegetables and use the potty right now (a little digression). :)We can have full conversations with Braden and he is constantly asking "why", "how come" and "what is that"? Inquisitive little fella that is always learning and amazes me each and everyday with his ability to think and do like a little man.

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