About Me

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I am a Mom of two young lads, a fitness fanatic and wife to a die-hard Packers/Brewers fan. I worked in corporate america for 12 years. Now I am on a new adventure - raising my sons and working part-time in the fitness industry as a Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor. I hope you stop by and read my updates- family, fitness, or life related!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Liam Jude: 7 months

Our little guy is 7 months old! With this milestone, he is growing by leaps and bounds. He says "ma", "ba", "da" and "ga". He rolls, is trying to crawl and absolutely loves taking steps when you hold his hands. Liam is on the go, never sitting still for a minute. We call him "Happy Feet." His feet are always kicking, making circles or moving. He wakes up in the morning wiggling his little feet in his crib and that continues all day long. In the car he often kicks off his shoes and socks, or even pulls them off. What can I say? He likes his feet free and on the move!

Liam is sleeping through the night- woo-hoo. Sometimes he wakes VERY early (like at 5:30) but typically he will sleep from 7 or 7:30 until anywhere from 6:15 to 7. Of course the 5:30 wake-up days are always when I am up late, go figure. I think the birds chirping outside his window might wake him up on these earlier days, so I turned his fan on a little louder and now he has slept a little later. We will see if that continues to work. I am not an early morning person, but I'll take it- the boy is sleeping through the night finally. I wasn't sure that would ever happen- ha!

What else is Liam up to at 7 months? He will let me know if I am late with his breakfast, lunch or dinner! He loves being outside watching the cars, people, dogs and anything else that happens to be in his sight. If I go for a jog, he will gladly sit in the stroller peacefully just taking in the surroundings. He loves eating all the new foods that we have been giving him. He loves playing trucks with Braden, he is working on his motor skills each and every day- picking up things with his pincher grasp, squeaking toys, or spinning a wheel on a car. Each day is new and exciting for Liam. He is growing before our eyes. He and Braden are still two peas in a pod, lovin' that they get to share their days together. "Happy Feet" is our smiley, active and fun 7 month old!

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