About Me

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I am a Mom of two young lads, a fitness fanatic and wife to a die-hard Packers/Brewers fan. I worked in corporate america for 12 years. Now I am on a new adventure - raising my sons and working part-time in the fitness industry as a Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor. I hope you stop by and read my updates- family, fitness, or life related!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Liam Jude: 6 months

All smiles- sitting up
 In his Johnny Jump Up- big brother hanging out in the back! :)
 Brothers- always touching

Bright-eyed Liam Jude

Mister Liam turned the big six months this week! Six months is where things really start to change! He is eating a lot more baby food- today we tried yogurt for the first time and he couldn't get enough. He is sitting all by himself now. He rides in the cart with Braden at Target, he can sit in the stroller without the car seat, and the list goes on. He tries to crawl when doing tummy time- by kicking and wiggling and getting frustrated that he can't go anywhere. Maybe crawling will be in his near future, we shall see. I do know that this guy was born to move. He wakes up in the morning kicking his happy little feet. He is happiest when he is being tossed in the air, running around chasing Braden ( I am holding him as we run). Or when he is standing, bouncing and grabbing for toys. He is BUSY and on the go. He constantly likes to be entertained by my singing, dancing and playing peek-a-boo. Only a few minutes go by where he will get bored and need new stimulation. He also does one roll over and then ends up with his arms tucked under his torso and ends up crying. He hasn't figured out how to pull his arms out yet.

By watching his big bro, Liam is learning fast! These two boys are peas in a pod - big bro and little bro. Now that Liam can do more things, Braden wants to sit directly next to him so they are touching feet. They are constantly in close proximity. When Liam is in his jumper, Braden brings his toys into the bathroom so he can be close (pic below). Too funny. It's a lot of fun watching these two dudes grow together and be best buds even this young!

Liam just had his six month check-up this week too. Shots galore- four of them. Ouch! He weighs a whopping 18 lbs 10 ounces. He is in the 75 percentile for weight and height. He just moved from two naps and a catnap to just two naps this week. His night sleep is pretty good- goes to bed around 7 or 7:30 and sleeps until 4 or 5 (to eat), and goes back to bed until about 7. The doctor did tell me that I can start to sleep train and wean that bottle out as he doesn't need food anymore in the night. I knew that was coming. I figured around six months I would do that anyway. We will work on that next!

Liam is so smiley, giggly and sweet. He is Mama's boy- always looking to see where I am at all times. He is my sensitive boy! He doesn't cry as much at loud noises as he used to (he can stand the vacuum and blender now), but he does get startled and scared easily. He is a lot of fun and his smile is contagious! He is STRONG- he has a grip of death. My hair is one if his favorite targets to grab onto- ouch. We look forward to Liam's milestones to come. We adore watching him grow and change each and everyday and develop his fun personality more and more!

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