Making brownies (or eating them) with Mom.
First official haircut at the Barbershop!
New haircut = smiley boy!
It's that time again, time for the boys' monthly updates.
This month Braden is two months past the big TWO! He is still amazing us everyday with the things he says and does. Braden is speaking full sentences now which is so much fun because we can have full conversations. He is very eager and is always asking, "what is this mommy?" and of course his favorite question, "where are we going?" Whatever I am doing, he watches closely and says "I try it now."
Braden is loads of fun. He loves his sports (of course baseball and football are still his true loves)- but he has added basketball and hockey to the list now that it's winter. We have two different basketball games in the basement, so he asks to play that everyday. We went to open gym time the other week and he loved playing hockey for the first time. He also loves to run (just like his Momma). With the nice weather this fall, he and I would do sprints out on the front sidewalk and run around the bases at the baseball field up the street. Other than sports, he loves to color, play with play dough, build towers (and knock them down), play cars, play Lego's, laugh at his little brother and he loves his teddy. Lately he wants to bring teddy everywhere, but we have made sure to just keep teddy housebound. If we lost him it might be the end of the world! He also can do somersaults and loves dancing. With the first snowfall this weekend, he has been obsessed with wanting to go outside. This weekend he helped Joe shovel and put up lights. He also took his first trip down the hill in a sled. This winter will be tons of fun. We got him a new winter coat and boots so he is all ready to go! The holidays will be so much fun for him since everything is still so new and exciting for him.
I'm sure like any other toddlers out there, Braden's eating habits perplex me a bit. He turns down things that every kid would love- like PIZZA. He often doesn't eat meals and we have to fight him to get him to take bites. He will inhale certain things and other things that he would normally eat he suddenly refuses. What really cracks me up is the stuff he really likes and eats on a regular basis: green olives, avocados, tomatoes, mandarin oranges, and grapefruit. I love all of those things and ate them while pregnant too, so maybe that's where he gets it from. So funny that he eats non-typical kid food but turns his nose to things like burgers, chicken or pizza. Oh well..that is probably why he weighs 24 pounds at 2 years old!
We are working on teaching him manners, so I get a lot of "oh, thank you's" throughout the day but then get a "get it" when he chucks his water. I must have spent too much time on the thank-you's and not as much on the pleases! ha!
Braden's biggest milestone this month is his first REAL haircut. I have trimmed his hair quite a few times...but it was starting to get a bit crazy so today I took him to the barbershop. He did so good. He didn't move one inch the entire time. He did exactly what the lady told him to do, didn't make a peep and was happy to watch cartoons. They even shampooed his hair and gave him a mini massage. He was such a good boy. It feels like our boy is really growing up in the past few months. I wish I could freeze this age for a while!
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