About Me

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I am a Mom of two young lads, a fitness fanatic and wife to a die-hard Packers/Brewers fan. I worked in corporate america for 12 years. Now I am on a new adventure - raising my sons and working part-time in the fitness industry as a Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor. I hope you stop by and read my updates- family, fitness, or life related!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Liam's Arrival!

Well life has changed dramatically since my last post. Liam Jude Hammond was born on Monday, August 22 at 10:36 a.m. He is 8 lbs and 19.5 inches long. Liam is the Irish version of William (for those that wonder) and Jude is after my mom Judith who passed away 15 years ago. Here's a short synopsis of Liam's journey into the world:

On Sunday evening, August 21st I made Joe go for a long walk after dinner thinking that maybe it would help start the labor process. :) During the walk I had some braxton  hicks contractions (false contractions basically) along with some back pains. It was a warm night out, so the three miles was maybe a bit much for a 9 month pregnant lady but looking back it obviously helped! At about 9:45 p.m I spoke with my sister Shawn, who informed me (jokingly) that I only had one more day to have this baby before she had to leave on vacation. I told her that I wasn't sure it was going to happen, although I hadn't been feeling the best all weekend. Even though I was still 6 days from my due date, the goal in my head was to have this baby before she left. I was a bit dissapointed that it was getting so close to her departure and no baby yet. We hung up the phone and about 20 minutes later I looked at Joe with WIDE eyes and said, "I think my water might have broke." After speaking with the doctor, at 11:15 we headed to the hospital to get checked out. Brother-in-law Kurt came over to sleep here with Braden until he heard the update. We found out we were there to stay at about 12:30 a.m, so Kurt spent the night and brought Braden back to my sister's and his house in the morning with his bag. Talk about good timing. I am still not sure how it all worked out so well. :)

At the hospital, not much was happening overnight so at 6:00 a.m. on Monday they started me on Pitocin to jump start everything. Just one hour later I was in extreme pain from the contractions, so I ordered my favorite laboring cocktail- the epidural. :) After my happy hour buzz on the epidural kicked-in, things happened FAST. At 10:00 they told me it was go time and 36 minutes later Liam joined the world. He was sunny-side up just like his brother (faced the wrong way), so these two boys like their mama to work hard for them!! I sure showed them! The nurses and doctors were again amazed that I was able to deliver in such a short amount of time based on the positioning of baby. I told them that when it comes to babies, I don't mess around and like to get 'er done. :)

We asked to be released from the hospital a day early since we technically were there two nights with the first night just waiting for my labor to progress. I was feeling decent and Liam was doing well, so they let us go and we arrived home late Tuesday afternoon. Since then, I have gone on two walks, went on a Target run and have visited with some neighbors. All in all, I feel a better recovery process this time around. And what about everyone else? Liam is doing great. He doesn't cry much, he sleeps well and eats well. We are waiting for something to change drastically because he's a terrific and easy-going newborn so far! Braden is adjusting as much as a 2 year old can do. He is sweet to his brother and gives him toys, wants to sit by him, wants him to come upstairs with him when it's bedtime...but there are definitely more displays of emotions with him, more of the "NO" word and some other toddler antics happening that I am sure are very normal for adding a new sibling to the family. We are hoping that things wear off eventually and he will not remember what life was like before Liam's arrival, but for the most part it's an adjustment phase and he's doing pretty well. Joe will be taking some time off work for us to get adjusted as a family of four which is nice. We are working on getting into a groove together - newborn and toddler, and I already dread when I have to do it all on my own. BUT I won't think about that just yet!

Here are some pics of the lovely lad and the new family of four. Crazy how fast life changes, you are taking a walk as a family of three one minute and 12 hours later you have a new addition! I am feeling very blessed and proud to be a mom of two healthy, happy and beautiful boys. I know my mom is so proud. I am so thankful for being blessed with the amazing gift of motherhood not only once but twice!!!

1 comment:

Mrs. Soriano said...

Yay!!! Congratulations to you and welcome to Liam! He is precious. Your family of four is absolutely beautiful.