June was a busy month for us, and July is turning out to be as well. In August we will slow down with zero plans in place because we aren't sure when baby will make his/her arrival. I am due towards the end of the month but it's always good to be prepared just in case. Hopefully we will have everything set for his/her arrival by then. I am making the to-do list and it looks long! Sorry, a little side-tracking there.
So, back to my retro blogging to make-up for lost posts while my laptop was down. Looking back to early June, we took a road trip to southern Wisconsin for Joe's cousin's graduation party. We made the most of the three days and also visited some other aunts and uncles that Braden hadn't met yet (great aunts/uncles for him). Braden's highlights were: the John Deere ride with Den, a visit to the family farm to check out the animals, ride the 4 wheeler and say hi to great uncles, and of course playing with cousins Cooper and Reece who we only see a few times a year. Oh, I also forgot that Braden spent his very first night in a hotel room. Until we arrived at the hotel, I hadn't realized that all of our previous overnights with him have been at houses or cabins. He was excited to swim in the pool and be able to eat a snack WHILE watching cartoons from bed! It's fun that the little things we take for granted when we travel are pure joy and excitment to toddlers. It was a good little family getaway, and probably my last one before I have this baby!
Braden's first John Deere ride- he was in heaven.
And a first 4 weel ride- he didn't want to get off.
Cartoons and snacks in bed- living the life!
Hanging with Cooper and Zoodle.
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