Wow, just typing those words seems crazy to me! Yes, Braden is going to be a big brother at the end of August. He will have a sibling almost exactly two years younger than him (minus a couple of weeks). I am having some serious deja-vu being pregnant at exactly the same time I was two years ago. Although I can barely picture our little man as a tiny newborn anymore, it also feels like it was just yesterday.
How does it feel to be pregnant AND have a toddler? I have to admit that although how I physically feel is somewhat the same, it still feels different. This time around I am chasing around a toddler all day long and often forget I am pregnant. It just can't be the main focus as it was the last time so it slips your mind. Back to that chasing a toddler around comment I already made, come the end of the day I am one seriously exhausted mamma with a bun in the oven on top of it. There's also not as much worry or questioning about my health or body this time around since I've been down this road (and not that long ago of course). I am very lucky both times around because I can say that I have never experience morning sickness. The one thing that is the most different this time regarding my health is that I don't have a thyroid issue. The first time around that caused some different symptoms for me. The normal thyroid this time around is prolonging the wearing of pregnancy clothes, so the longer they can sit in my closet the happier I am. :) he he. I am not going to lie, I had to cringe when I washed and folded them the other week. Why can't we just wear our normal clothes and maybe have a few bigger shirts when our tummys grow? I wish! :)
As far as how I feel about what is to come - I am excited, but honestly a little nervous for a new baby on top of having a toddler! I think that is a normal transition for anyone going from one to two...just as going from none to one. It's exciting yet the fear of the unkown is there. Right now, I am really good at getting out and about with Braden and I don't want to slow down! I love going to parks, going swimming in the summer, taking walks, being able to workout, having playdates and the list goes on! Things gets a lot easier now that he can run around and play on his own, so to start over with a tiny baby when they are constant work, makes me a bit scared. On the other hand, babies sleep a lot during the day and you don't have to chase them around! My other fear is, Braden is also such a good kid, so I am afraid that it's karma that I would get a really naughty one next! Ahhh, we'll see!
Anyway, I know it will be a lot of work having two in diapers and them being closer in age, but I know in the long run it will be nice for them to have eachother as playmates. Hopefully they will entertain eachother. Plus, I will be blunt and say I'd like to move beyond the child-rearing years now that I'm in my mid-thirties! :) So, I will get over my fears that I listed above and I know it will be great all around! I am sure once he/she is here I will master having two (hopefully) and then I will forget what life is like with just one! I also sometimes get sad for Braden that he will have competition, but at the same time I don't want too much time to go by with having him be the only focus. He loves other kids, so I know he will love the company. You just worry as a mom on how you will spread your love and time, but so many people do and my parents raised four of us and nobody was slighted! So, I know I will figure it all out when the time comes. Each change in life just comes with a mix of excitement and anxiety that you just work through!
And no, we are not going to find out the gender again this time! We love that surprise!
So this is an exciting year with alot of change for us! Our new house couldn't have come at a better time! Here's hoping I can still keep up with Braden until the end of August, and I can still teach my classes up until my due date. Teaching really gives me an outlet and helps me stay in shape during pregnancy so I don't want to give that up. It's crazy to think that just a few months after our three year anniversary this year, we will be a family of four! I know my Mom is watching out for us and sending lots of blessings our way. Thank you Mom for being our angel!
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