Well, I thought I would be blogging more now that our house is on the market and my projects have ceased. But wait, I now have to keep this place clean "just in case." Darn. Well, I will try to update the blog more in the future. We did have a showing this week and the feedback was good. Our first open house will be on Halloween.
I am putting some pictures up of some more fun fall activities we have been partaking in which I haven't blogged about yet - including Braden's first ride in a Burley, his first leaf pile and his first wedding.
What is new with us? We continue to keep busy this fall but not too busy. We have music class and mostly we are enjoying the nice fall weather with lots of park time and walks/jogs. Today we went to an indoor park to change things up a bit. Braden got to jump in a big jump house for the first time (with my help of course.) He thought that was so fun. He still is not walking. I did get him to take three steps yesterday though. He just doesn't seem to have the desire. He can run with the push toys and turn it around corners now. He can push the tall garbage cans across the parking lot too. :) He can also walk holding just one of my hands, and he can stand for minutes at a time. I know he could walk, but he just doesn't want to. He seems anxious when I try to get him to take steps on his own, he just sits down immediately and pouts. So, he will walk when he is ready and he is just not ready yet! I will definitely let you know when the time comes!
As for the rest of us, I am teaching three classes this fall (one Kettle bell Community Ed, kickboxing and bootcamp), and Joe's new job remains as busy as ever but he is really enjoying being the buyer of ice cream at Target. Who wouldn't enjoy getting to taste test ice cream for a living? :) It is much harder than that of course, but that is one obvious perk! I had a girls weekend this past weekend w/ my college friends in Stillwater which was a lot of fun. Joe and Braden had great bonding time- what did they do? Football games of course! :) We all have been a bit sick but seem to be getting better now- eye infections, cough, congested...so hopefully we got that out of our systems for a while!
I hope you are all enjoying October and gearing up for Halloween.
1 comment:
His leaf pile looks like so much fun!!!
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