Braden turned 11 months old yesterday- August 22. We cannot believe that these 11 months have just flown by. It's amazing to look at his newborn pictures and see him now as such an active, full-of-personality little boy.
We took Braden to the MN Zoo yesterday, on his 11 month milestone. We weren't sure how he would react to all the animals but he pointed and said "oooohhh" to each and every one. The highlights included watching him pet a goat and get really scared at first and see his expression turn to excitement. It was also fun watching eat his first popsicle. The day was extremely hot! We had a blast and can't wait to take him back when he can run around and really enjoy the zoo even more as a toddler.
So what is Braden up to on his 11th month? He is clapping his hands, pointing at everything he sees and throwing his arms in the air. He plays patty cake, he gives high fives. Other than mama and dada he has only really said the word "hot" once, but makes a ton of new noises. His new favorite is "oooohhhh". He is still furniture cruising and crawling, but he did stand on his own this weekend for about 5-7 seconds. Walking might not be too far away. He loves to pound his hands on things to make music or take two toys and clank them together. He is into everything in the house- from pulling out all the DVDs, to finding everything with a cord, and he is trying to scale the baby gate and his crib- yikes. He is very motivated! He will stack toys or shoes in order to climb things- yikes, way too smart already! He still absolutely loves swimming and gets better each week- he has dunked his head a few times. His favorite toy is his car garage which I chose for his 11 month picture pose above. He pushes these cars around all day long and plays with the elevator.
As of today, he still takes two naps, but we are gradually moving towards one (it may take a while, I am not sure.) He is eating lots of people food along with just three bottles a day which will slowly diminish by the one year mark. His favorite foods (I would say) are: pancakes, cheese, avocados, strawberries, cinnamon or apple fritter toast, bananas, homemade pizza and of course any treat that he gets to try like ice cream cake. :)
He was sleeping through the night beautifully for months, but on our week long vacation he began to wake up a few times (not sure why). Now that we are home we are still not back on track, so hopefully I can get that kink worked out soon - for all of our sakes! :) He is starting to get some hair - finally. When he wears hats you can see the little hat hair after I take it off. He has two teeth on the bottom. He knows how to drink through a straw and is very proud of himself for doing that. He could sip water all day long! He also loves to dance, he bounces up and down everytime there is music on in the background. This is one of my most favorite things (that and watching him push his toy cars around the house from room to room.)
I cannot believe that next month Braden will be one! He is such a happy baby who is full of energy and is constantly making us smile and laugh. We could not be more proud! What a fun time in our lives to watch this little guy grow before our eyes. We are so blessed to have him, and love his happy and sunny disposition.
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