In the past couple of weeks we have noticed Braden growing and developing by leaps and bounds. He is turning one in a couple of weeks and I think he is sprinting to get there! I will explain to you what I mean.
Literally Braden is growing. Last week, I had to move up to 12 month shirts - he was still wearing 6-12! His famous summer hat that has kept his bald head from burning is now getting too tight! And, last week I moved him to one nap and now he takes a 2-3 hour nap at about noon, instead of two shorter naps. This is like heaven to me, I can get so much done and we have a bigger chunk of time in the mornings to have play dates or go do stuff.
It's hard for me to believe, but Braden is busy and as active as ever (who knew that was possible?). As you see from the above pictures, he must have been a fish in his past life because his love of the water is amazing and he has no fear. He also has taken a liking to dancing recently. Every time he hears music he bounces up and down-it is one of my most favorite things to watch him do! Last Friday Katy Perry was on the Today Show and once she came on singing he scooted up to the tv to dance close up and pound on the tv at the same time. :) Hysterical! So, I signed us up for a music class this fall. Should be a blast.
Our park visits have changed a bit lately too. He doesn't like to swing too long- last week he stood up in the baby swing and flipped out of it! Thank goodness I was right in front of him and caught him as he landed. He climbs up the slides and stops half way and slides down with laughter. He picks up rocks and lets them fall from his fingers and repeats over and over. There now is less eating of rocks thank goodness.
He also is pushing this stand up toy better and faster each and every day. He has stood up on his own a few times but once he realizes that he is doing it on his own he sits down. I am not sure when he will want to take his first steps, but everyone says it's any day now. I think he might hang on to mom and dad a little longer, but we shall see. I also have noticed he is more vocal, yesterday he babbled constantly all day. I wish I knew what he was trying to say, but it's so darn cute to hear that baby jibberish.
It's amazing how fast they change at this age...we are approaching the one year milestone very shortly. I just can't believe it is going so fast and he is becoming a little man in front of our very eyes. Oh what fun!