Braden tried vegetables for the first time this week. We started out with sweet potatoes. With his first bite, he made a strange face but then soon began to like it more and more. It is quite a messy process as you can tell by the picture :), we don't have a high chair with a tray quite yet so we are making due with the Bumbo seat right now. He wants to help feed himself by grabbing the spoon and putting it in his mouth, or touching the food after it's already in his mouth. As you can see it is quite the messy process, but he loves it. We moved onto carrots after a few days. It's fun to see him tasting more real foods- well baby foods that is. He cries when I put the veggies away so I always have to have a bottle of milk waiting in the wings to distract him afterwards. Oh, our little eater boy. If he's anything like his Dad he will like cheese the best I think.
Oh, and I love the image on the tv in the background. I am sneaky- the only time I can watch TV is if his back is to it or he is asleep. :)
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