The weather has been so nice lately that we have been able to take a lot of walks. One day, I was walking by the park on our normal route and thought I would show Braden what he has to look forward to when he gets a little older. Then I spotted this baby swing and thought to myself- well he might be too young still but let's give it a try! As you can see, he LOVED it. I gave him some pushes and said "weeeee" and he belly laughed super loud!
I am super excited to get out and do all these fun things with him this summer. It has been three months since my maternity leave ended and I can honestly can say that I made the right decision to stay home. Sure, some days are hard- if we are stuck inside the townhome, or if he has a bad day and is crabby or won't take his naps, etc. But most days, now that the weather is getting nicer out and he is getting a little older and able to do more, it is truly so much fun to be at home and spend this time with him. I feel very blessed with our situation and look forward to a summer of fun with Braden (and of course at nights and on the weekend Joe will be included in on the fun- and we will try to limit the fun during the weekdays because I know Joe hates missing out!) :)