The title of this blog is what the doctor told me on Wednesday when I brought Braden in because he was screaming bloody murder for hours on end and would not sleep during the day for two days straight. He also seemed to have some stomach issues so I wanted to get it checked out. The doctor checked him out and everything was fine but he said some babies are very gassy and the get intestinal pain with gas. So, the screaming could be from the pain or it could be from him being overtired because he is not sleeping during the day.
Then on Thursday we were out all day from 9-4 and he slept the entire time pretty much. So, we came to the conclusion that on the days where we are home he is overstimulated and likes to look around and be awake. The days that we are out he is soothed by the car and the stroller and the outside noise. Then I read in this book that the sixth week is the week that babies sleep the least and are the fussiest- so I am hoping "This too shall pass" is really true! It is hard to see him screaming his head off for no apparent reason and not go to sleep when you know he is so tired. What happened to my baby that slept everywhere and anywhere a few weeks ago? :)
Here are some pics of him smiling- this helps to remind me that I can't get too frustrated if we have a bad day. Who could be mad at this precious face??
Ugh! Don't you wish they could just talk to you and tell you what's wrong? I remember Mark and I standing over Nicholas' crib with him screaming, and seriously asking ourselves, "Will this child ever go to bed without crying?"
That is an adorable smile! It's hard to even imagine him screaming :) I hope it passes soon!
I am sorry to hear he is fussy. But he is very cute! I hope all is going well and would love to catch up soon. I am babysitting for a four month old tomorrow, aaaawwww
- Ana
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