Braden is three weeks old today. It is hard to believe that 21 days ago from right now we did not have him in our life and then at 6:36 that night we did! I now can't imagine life without him. He is truly a gift that we soooooo appreciate each and every day.
Today Braden began playing with toys- I put this firefly in the bassinet so he could play while I showered. I came out of the shower to check on him and he had the rings around his wrist. We have a little smarty on our hands already! :)
Smarty? I think our little man just accidentally got stuck while he was flailing around and couldn't figure out how to get his arm out of there. Either way it's fun to see him begin to respond to certain things:)
But he will keep putting
his arms back in the ring....smarty I think.
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