A few years in a row, we have gone down to Arizona with my Dad and Pam. We meaning Nelson, Colleen and myself, my sister has gone a couple of years, and Joe has gone for two now. Pam bought a place a few years ago in Mesa Village where her parent's also own one, and her and my Dad have gone down there a few times each winter. We usually join them on their last trip of the year around mid-March and they stay for a few weeks and we stay for one. This year will be the first year with no Mesa Village home to visit. This was a hard decision for them to make, but they sold their place in Arizona. Hopefully someday when the economy picks up and they have more time to visit Arizona after their new business is up and running they can buy a new place.
Now, I am not complaining too much because Joe and I are still heading on a vacation, so it's not like we don't get to go anywhere. We leave for Mexico on Saturday. It's just about this time of year where I start to get antsy for Arizona as we always go in March, so I thought I would reminisce with some pictures of all the fun times we had. We will miss Mesa Village, but know that we can make new memories elsewhere!!!
I will always remember water aerobics and the old ladies singing "B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l", spring training baseball games, climbing the Grand Canyon, eating at Tia Rosa the favorite Mexican restaurant, going to the flea market, margaritas, St. Patty's Day celebrations, butter horns, fresh grapefruit, jogs along the channel, shuffleboard, biking to the pool, floating on noodles, Sedona, The Cowboy Bar, lots of laughs - and the list goes on and on....Arizona is a such a fun and beautiful place!!!
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