I'm a little late on Liam's monthly update. It happened to fall on the same day Braden turned four. Better late than never, so here it goes:
Liam Jude cracks us up. What is he up to this month? He is pretty hilarious, as you can tell by some of these pictures he is quite a ham. As I type this he looked over and said, "Hi Mom". He can speak like crazy now- using huge words like "awesome" understands everything. He often asks me what things are or what is that kid doing? Lots of questions! I love how the number of verbs he can use has multiplied by hundreds in the last month. During meal time he will say, "my toys stay right here, Ok brother?" Clearly, he is worried his brother will take his toys. The toy stealing happens a ton in this household by both boys!
Liam is the guy that can play toys on his own, but if I leave the room he will come and find me within five minutes. He does do some independent play, but doesn't like to be left out of sight. He has been trying to learn how to bike, getting a little better each week. It's still slow, but he can reach the pedals and turn and go for a minute and then hits the breaks to stop. That's about as far as we have gotten, but Mom has been trying to be patient and we just need to practice, practice, practice.
Liam is our good eater. When Braden leaves food on his plate, Liam will ask if he can have the leftovers. :) Liam is somewhat of a brute - even by looks he is shorter and stalkier. He is constantly dancing around, jumping off things and talks to himself. I would say he is quite jovial. The Irish temper has decreased slightly. He seems to shake things off a bit more, but saves the crying for when he's really mad now. I do hear "Braden hit me" quite a few times a day though. He also is a very stubborn and take-your-time kinda guy, perhaps like his Dad a bit in that. Ha.
Every Tuesday, Liam and I have the day to ourselves when Braden is at school. We go to parks, run a couple of errands sometimes, or just play. It's really fun to watch him on his own when his big bro isn't influencing what he does. When big brother is around he just wants to do everything he is doing. When by himself, he could stay at the park all day going down the slide, or watching the ducks on the pond and enjoying nature. He always makes me laugh, especially with his silly faces or silly dances.
Liam is really into books lately. He opens them and talks about what is on each page. He is also our guy who could stay in the bath all night long if we let him. Liam is growing and growing. He is a blast to be around, that devious little laugh gets us all the time! Can't wait to see his new tricks in the next few months. Two is a ton of fun!