I won't be posting any pictures until the baby is born because our camera is packed in our hospital bag. :) So, I'll try to just leave some updates on what is going on.
This week at my appointment I was 37 weeks and 5 days and there wasn't anything going on- no dialation, effacement, cervix still high, etc... I pretty much assumed that though, so at least my hopes weren't up. I have been telling myself this whole time that I assume I will go over my due date so I think that has helped me. I am not anxious or miserable. Of course I can't wait to get my body back (which yes, I know will take lots of time) and meet our little one - but I am enjoying these last few weeks, days, whatever of just Joe and I. We have gone to dinners, watched some movies, taken walks, had friends over or met friends out, etc.... so, this baby will come when he/she wants to and I am not going to mess with that. :) I am going to work in the office a couple of days before my due date and then start working from home. I think that will help my body to somewhat relax and prepare- and it's getting hard to take the bus, walk the 8 blocks in to work, sit at a desk all day, etc...
I'll keep you all posted, I still can't believe this is coming so fast. We are definitely excited and I wonder each day what the gender of Baby H. is and what he/she looks like. That will be TRUE motivation for me to get through labor - finding out all of these questions I have!!! :)