About Me

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I am a Mom of two young lads, a fitness fanatic and wife to a die-hard Packers/Brewers fan. I worked in corporate america for 12 years. Now I am on a new adventure - raising my sons and working part-time in the fitness industry as a Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor. I hope you stop by and read my updates- family, fitness, or life related!

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Here is a synopsis of my Thanksgiving this year:
Wednesday: Joe and I headed to Stillwater on Wednesday evening. We checked into the Water Street Inn and took advantage of their winter weekday rates! The town (along with the Inn) was pretty quiet! We had a drink at the Irish pub in the Inn called Charlie's. We reminiced - since it has only been almost 7 months since we had our wedding reception at that very Inn! We then headed to Ruby Bagonia's to listen to some live music and grab a bite to eat. We were hoping to meet up with some of my high school friends, but they called saying they couldn't get a babysitter. We then were headed to the final destination of the Mad Capper- but passed Logger's and stopped in as a tribute to my friend Laurie who dragged us there two years ago for a shot! We called Laurie from Logger's to tell her we missed her. We met a man who claimed he was in the Rock-n-Roll Hall of fame and played with Reba McIntire and Chuck Berry- our night just started to get more interesting. He came to Mad Capper with us- and finally, we had to call it a night. I was getting sleepy and not such a fan of him ordering more drinks for me when I didn't need any more. :) It was a fun night- and interesting!

Thursday- Off to Mike and Shannon's cabin we went in the late morning. My entire family was there- with the exception of Liz and Catherine who was sick and had to stay home- boo hoo! It was great to see everyone, and see all of the kids playing! I got to see baby Ava again, and hold her for hours on end while she slept or just looked around with her bright eyes! She's a dolly! We stayed at the cabin until Friday late afternoon, came home to get some stuff done around the house, hit the gym, and relax. We had a wedding on Saturday- so it's been a busy few days and so fun!

Summary: Things that I am thankful for this year: An amazing family, a wonderful husband who loves me very much, friends that compliment my life - whether they are friends of 15 years or 5, a house above my head, a job that is stable and provides, food on the table, my health, the ability to appreciate things in life that are meaningful, God and all of the gifts he has blessed me with...I could go on and on, but just want to take the time to say thanks for all that is wonderful in my life. I hope you all can take the time to appreciate the blessings in your life too!

Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm a new aunt again!!

So, my sister adopted a gorgeous new baby girl. Ava Ayana Johnson arrived home last Tuesday morning. I watched the boys for two days while Kurt and Shawn were picking her up, so I had the privilege to see her in the middle of the night as they tip-toed in the house. I fed her a bottle, and she is the tiniest baby I have ever seen. Ava barely made a peep, and even smiled at me a few times. She seemed so alert for being just a week and a half old at that time. I can't wait to see little Ava again- she is so tiny, so precious, and such a blessing to Shawn and Kurt's family.

As I spent two days with Levi and Mitchell- we talked a ton about their new sister. They kept asking where mommy and daddy where- but then remembered they were in Alabama and they were going to come home with their sister Ava. They showed me where Ava's room is, and pointed out her crib. Before I put them to bed, I told them when they woke up they could meet Ava. As you can see, the boys are thrilled to have Ava around so they can hold her and hopefully spoil her versus teasing her...(like our brothers did to Shawn - HE HE). :) How exciting for our family to have a new addition- welcome baby Ava, we adore and love you!!!

College Girls Weekend!!

So, each year all of my close college lady friends get together for a weekend. We have typically gone to a cabin in the summer in previous years, but this year we decided to shoot for late fall and head up to St. Ben's/St. John's. We took in a football game, walked around campus to see any updates, and went out to dinner. Our agenda was pretty light because mostly we just like to talk and catch up with eachother! There are five of us that live in MN and two out of state. We get together twice a year with the ladies that live here- so really, talking is our main priority.
I love these ladies, and cherish their friendship over the years! They are all amazing mothers too- so I always learn a ton on our weekends away about motherhood and balancing everything. I can't wait until the next time we can all get together!!! I feel so blessed to have these amazing ladies in my life as life-long friends.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween Weekend

Well, Halloween is now over. We had three celebrations, which is why I call it "Halloween weekend." One was in our neighborhood on Thursday night which was just a pre-Halloween party, then we took our nephews Mitchell and Levi trick-or-treating on Friday, and Saturday we went to a costume party of a former co-worker of Joe's. We dressed up differently both nights. On, Friday when we surprised Mitchell and Levi in our outfits to join them trick-or-treating, Joe was a Jamaica Mon (as I like to call it), and I was a cowgirl. Saturday at the costume party, Joe was a priest and I was a hippie chic.

I hadn't dressed up for Halloween for years- so it was fun to do that again. :) I love going to parties to look at all of the innovative costume ideas. I think the best costume was a Ghostbuster- he had the full suit, the proton pack, and it played the actual theme song! I also loved being with Mitchell and Levi for trick-or-treating. Halloween is not quite the same without seeing the kids run around the neighborhood. Since we live on a street with all condos and townhomes, we don't get trick-or-treaters. I finally felt like it was really Halloween because I got to see the kids running around, and it really brought me back to all of those great Halloween memories that I have as a kid.

I hope you all had fun during your Halloween activities and celebrations and everyone stayed safe and happy.

Now, the next upcoming milestone- who will be our new President?!??!?