About Me

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I am a Mom of two young lads, a fitness fanatic and wife to a die-hard Packers/Brewers fan. I worked in corporate america for 12 years. Now I am on a new adventure - raising my sons and working part-time in the fitness industry as a Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor. I hope you stop by and read my updates- family, fitness, or life related!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Liam: 1 year + 10 months

As Liam gets closer to turning two, he is turning more into a little dude. He comprehends everything and speaks in sentences. I told him about a trip I was taking and he said, "me too Mommy," so clearly he wants to come with. Today Braden had camp and Liam ran around the house saying, "Where are you Braden?" even though he helped me drop him off this morning. He cracks me up. Liam is full of energy and he is very silly. He is up for anything to give you a laugh! He likes to tease and play tricks. He will wiggle during diaper changes and hold his legs closed so you can't get the diaper back on. He walks around with his teddy on his head bumping into things. He also is extremely strong- hanging from the jungle gym as a big kid would do. Liam is definitely the risk-taker and the thrill-seeker of the family. He likes to climb very steep things and scare his Mom (and everyone else watching)!

It's been really fun watching Liam grow and change the past few months. We have noticed that he tends to play on his own in a bigger group of kids, or will start playing with kids and then end up doing his own thing. I often hear him singing or talking to himself. He loves to point things out to us- by saying "look at this Mom", or "I see an airplane Dad".  He is very good about expressing himself- he shows excitement when we go places or get to eat certain foods. He is still our sensitive guy- running to us scared if there's a loud noise, or losing his temper if he is told no. He also cries if someone else is crying. He still has a love of dogs, he has to wear his puppy shirt almost everyday until Mom hides it and he finds it again. :) He points out every single puppy he sees. Maybe he will be a Vet someday.

Liam is such a joy to be around with his spunky attitude, humor and sensitivity. He compliments our family so much and we are so blessed to have him in our lives! It's crazy to think he is turning two this summer.

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